Do you guard your privacy? If you do so, you probably don't mean it very seriously. You are probably part of a group of people to which more than every third person in the world belongs to. No, they are not exceptionally talented people, statistically you may only be included in the approximately 2.8 billion Facebook users. And why not? After all, membership in this Mephistopheles club of last hope is free, and we have already found answers to any questions, lost youth and joy of life, all in exchange for our souls. This is no tragedy!

Zdroj: Irishtimes, Foto: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg
Social networks currently have a fairly decent amount of data about each user, resp. about every third person in the world. Yes, also about your unique personality. According to the AMI Digital Index survey, Slovaks spend on average three hours a day on social networks (this time killer even lasts more than four hours for a quarter of Slovaks), which is one day a week. And seniors also like it there (74 percent for seniors over 60). Two percent of Slovaks do not use social networks at all. We really don't know what they're doing.
Social media are not free
We pay for them with personal information. We share our experiences, interests, opinions, we communicate and our online identity takes on clearer contours also by using applications or an online search engine. Think of social media as a flowing flow of information and long conversations. Everything is analyzed by algorithms for the purpose of sales.

Zdroj:, SpirosK
On social networks, we are a product that is sold to companies that buy advertising there. Then, those companies chase us where we click. Information about our online identity is very valuable. Literally. Facebook's total revenue, which mainly includes advertising revenue, rose to $ 28.1 billion (the company reported net income of $ 11.2 billion).
Know your competition
The power of social media is immense. It takes a few seconds from submitting your ad to reaching your potential audience. As a large part of the world's population is online, success is guaranteed compared to marketing on television or in the print media.

Zdroj: memegenerator
Since all business profiles are open to the public, you don´t neet to shy away from browsing through competitor strategies, posts, comments, audience interaction, or user questions.
I see you
Surely you know that your Android and iOS phone monitors your activity through built-in applications. Websites and applications also collect data about you (mouse cookies can also be tracked via cookies). It must have happened to you that you have talked to someone that you need a new brushcutter and in a while you will be haunted on the Internet by a brushcutter advertisement - congratulations, you have been targeted. Does the mobile really listen to our conversations? We don't think he has to. There is a good chance that you have already provided him with all the necessary information about you. We regularly contribute to this through third-party cookies that are outside the site with which you have interacted (a third party is a marketing company in partnership with a first-party website or application).

Zdroj: wallpaperaccess
So the advertiser knows of your desires. Various AI techniques (neural networks, active learning, natural language processing, etc.) have recently been applied to recommendation systems that can improve this idea. For example, you like a comment on your instagram to send a reward signal to an RL agent who confirms that you are interested in the post. The social networking system will learn to send you advertisements from companies that can offer related products. However, this is only a fraction of what AI algorithms do in the background (advertising is targeted not only by data about you, but also by data about your social bubble).

So what? Will you check the application permissions this time? You can also try restricting microphone access for all applications in your phone's settings. Take the phone out of your pocket and tell your friend what you would like for Christmas. Try repeating it more than once. Out loud. Then check back for a few days to see what your targeted ad is showing you. At Christmas, try to see what appears under the tree. You can then find out who (or what?) Is really listening to you. Don't despair if your hypothesis fails, maybe your buddy will buy what your heart desires based on targeted advertising generated according to your preferences and lend it to you. And maybe Zuckerberg will finally change his mind about the business and take on a role in the new Star Trek. This is because sharing data with applications may soon be over. Apple has introduced a software change, triggering user privacy protection that may limit Facebook's ability to target advertising, and prevent data collection through IDFA (an identifier that allows advertisers to send targeted advertising to users). The update will affect advertisers as well as application developers. This is because the iOS 14 user can choose whether or not to be tracked for targeted advertising. Also, everyone can learn how the application uses their data.